邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪推薦??前陣子,陪了我們好久的影音店歇業了,之後就好少到那邊晃啦,最近羅賓一直問我影音邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪那裡買會比較便宜!上網幫他查了 邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪推薦,開箱文,價格,報價,比較,CD,華語,台語,日韓,西洋,古典,爵士,輕音樂,童謠/兒歌,歌劇/舞台劇,宗教音樂,原聲帶,DVD,電視影集,推薦那裡買便宜!經過多方比較後,發現邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪曾在富邦momo購物網影音產品類造成搶購熱潮,價格也很實在,重點是買的安心。邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪到貨的速度還滿快的,一拿到之後為之驚艷,CP值超高!。商品網址如下:




邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪早就是暢銷的明星商品,還沒有用過的這邊介紹一下,邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪吸引我的最大因素,除了好用之外,我覺得它的CP值高到破錶了呀! 邵族:日月潭的長髮精怪更多詳細的資訊這邊請:


商品訊息描述: 誰說有文字的民族才留得住故事,原住民用情感、用口傳、用舞蹈,用生命寫台灣歷史!推開邵族神話與傳說秘境大門,將發現:


Legend of the White Deer

How did the Thao Tribe come to live around Sun Moon Lake? All we know is that a white deer led their ancestors to the lake at the end of a long and exciting chase. Did the deer intend to show the Thao people the area that would become their home for thousands of generations? In any event, the Thao Tribe call the place from which they first saw the lake “puji” which means the color white in the Thao language. This is one way they remember the white deer.


Tales of the Long-tail Elves

The clever and good-natured Little People shared everything they had with the people of the Thao Tribe. But there was one thing that they wouldn’t do. They wouldn’t let the Thao visit them at their homes in the caves. One time, however, a daring and curious young man of the Thao Tribe couldn’t restrain himself. He followed the Little People to their home. As he watched from his hiding place, he discovered their secret: they had tails! Ever since that time, the Little People wanted nothing more to do with the Thao. They disappeared and had never been seen since.


The Long Haired Spirit of Sun Moon Lake

For as long as the people of the Thao Tribe could remember there had always been plenty of fish and shrimp in Sun Moon Lake. So recently why were they not catching anything? The young hero Numa decided to find out. He went into the lake to find that Taqrahaz were tampering with their fishing lines and hooks. The Thao and Taqrahaz had gotten along for such a long time. What were Taqrahaz trying to tell the Thao?


The Black and White Twins and the Origins of the Ancestral Spirits Basket

Every family of the Thao has its “ancestral sprit basket”. The basket plays an especially important role in the lives of the Thao because any matter, large or small, whether of the family or of the village must not be undertaken unless the ancestral spirit basket has been consulted. The importance of the basket will be seen in this story which recounts the origin of the taboo against twins.


The Story of the Pariqaz Tree

The waters of Sun Moon Lake were covered in the blood red sap of the pariqaz tree that had been cut down by the Chinese. Soon after the death of the sacred tree the Thao Tribe were devastated byplague and were no longer able to hold their own against the assault on their lands by the Chinese. Can pathlar, the great ancestral spirit, hear the voices of their hearts and save the Thao Tribe from the holocaust!?









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